Friday, January 23, 2009

25 Random things about me......

1. I have 4 different toothpastes to rotate as I hate the same flavor everyday.
2. I actually loved having braces.
3. All of my baby teeth were saved and my mom made a Lucite rattle with them, minus one tooth that was accidentally swallowed and attempts were made by mom to recover....never found.
4. At a very early age I decided I wanted to be a dental hygienist, proof recovered from a "What I want to be when I grow up" drawing circa 1984 I drew me with my hand down someone's mouth who was lying in a chair.
5. I used to bite my nails pretty bad....I still kinda play with the cuticles.
6. I am orally fixated (see 1-5 for verification).
7. I was in a couple fashion shows as a kid, one of which was a Nordstrom thing and we had to stand and pose while folks passed by.
8. I own the complete Nine Inch Nails "Halo" collection, minus 1 DVD, which I'm working on acquiring. That'd be 27 items in total.
9. My dream man has the wit of Andy Samberg, the body and creativity of Trent Reznor, the kindness of my father, the moves of Michael Jackson, the athleticism of Michael Phelps, and the brains of Steven Hawkings....
10. I know all the West Side Story songs by heart.
11. My initials are EVE because my great grandmother's name was Eva. V for Vale St. near Stern Grove. If I were a boy, my mom would have named me Evan.
12. My first rock band tape was Tears for Fear, Songs from the Big Chair.
13. If I could go back in time and do anything, that would be to go back to 1968 and see The Doors live.
14. I'm really bad at subtracting.
15. I'm really good at analytical reasoning.
16. I played Lady and the Tramp with my little cousins growing up, I was called a bulldog in elementary school, I was nicknamed Snoopy in high school, I have yet to be referred to as a dog since, except bitch.
17. I'm a picker, poker, puller, pile maker.
18. I'm obsessed with trail mix and dry cereal.
19. I'm afraid of being in the ocean and not being able to swim.
20. Janet and I weren't suppose to drive on Doyle Dr. when we were in high school moms both said, "too dangerous".
21. I love EVERYTHING about my job.
22. I have super hero hearing powers.
23. The only time I've ever hit another car while driving was right before I was going for my drivers license exam.
24. I'm a fan of cold soft crispy sheets.
25. I'm daddy...I'm "blah blah blah" mommy.

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